Hacker Industries

Wenckus Energy, Inc. is the North American Agent for Hacker Industries. We are a turn-key supply company of hydraulic products.

The most commonly known models of hydraulic turbines are FRANCIS, KAPLAN and PELTON, and for each model there are several different configurations.

We perform the design, manufacture, assembly and commissioning for all these models, which performance can reach up to 94% in certain project conditions.
Kaplan turbines were created by the Austrian engineer, Victor Kaplan (1876-1934), who by means of theoretical and experimental studies created a new type of turbine from propeller turbines, with the possibility of varying the pitch of blades.
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These turbines were named after the English engineer James Bicheno FRANCIS (1812-1892), who idealized them in hydroelectric facilities in the middle of the 19th Century, in the USA.
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PELTON turbines have this name because of their creator, Allan Lester Pelton, who put into operation the first rotor, with the current format, in 1880. This model of special turbines for high falls can be installed between 100 and 1,200 meters.
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HACKER provides complete hydraulic solutions for the manufactured devices, with a wide range of devices for these systems.

Hydraulic Units are designed to provide the necessary hydraulic pressure for the operation of servomotors to adjust turbines, of hydromechanical equipment and to the lubrication of bearings.

Hydraulic Units for Speed Regulation (UHRV) are used to enable the opening and closing of guide blades, KAPLAN rotor blades and butterfly valves by means of hydraulic pressure, i.e., all the controls required for the perfect operation of the turbine.
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Hydraulic units that accompany bearings are responsible for putting into operation the hydraulic circuit for its lubrication.
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For more than 25 years, HACKER has been providing a wide range of hydromechanical equipment to complement hydroelectric power plant facilities. Hydromechanical equipment are those installed in the water flow line, from the catchment to the outflow of water through the tailwater channel.

The quality and reliability of this equipment is essential for a hydroelectric facility to run safely and effectively.
We manufacture the following gate models:
Fixed-Wheel Gates
Stoplog Gates
Stauklapp Flap Gate
Tainter Gates

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The piping, which is also known as "conduit", is the hydromechanical element responsible for conducting the water flow from its catchment up to the inlet of the turbine.
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Racks are used in water intakes, load chambers and dams to refrain debris, branches and other materials that might damage the internal parts of the turbine or block the hydraulic routing.
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Trashrack device is used to remove floating debris from the dammed water, which might block the rack inserted in catchments or load chambers of hydroelectric power plants. 
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HACKER also manufactures Dispersing Valves, which are closing and adjustment valves with great hydraulic effectiveness, assuring a low-cost and simple solution for systems of dam bottom outlet.
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To find out more about Hacker Industries products in North America, please contact Mark Wenckus at Wenckus Energy, Inc. at 717-873-0001 or by email to wenckusenergy@gmail.com

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